David Rahn is a pastor, social worker, and writer in Michigan.

YOu can reach Dave using the form on the Contact page. 


Lectionary Year A, Advent 1: Prayer based on Mt. 24: 31-44

Renewing God,

We come to you in this time of new beginnings, a season of hope and joy.   We return in faith and celebration, brought by the wonder of the newness of life in the coming of Your Son’s birth.  We know that we don’t know how to respond to the questions of life, that much of the mystery that surrounds us is beyond our grasp.. We strive to find Your message for us in the midst of lives are too often torn apart with schedules, over commitments, and obligations.  We wrestle within our earthly constraints to set aside time to discover anew the peace that comes with our reconnection to You and Your boundless presence.

We can see a message of hope in a time fraught with problems and distractions.  Your Son coming into our lives is like a candle in the darkness, an arc of hope shining brightly for all persons seeking Your guidance.  Our hearts are lifted with the news that You are with us.  Anticipating your Son’s birth gives us strength in facing the challenges of our everyday lives.

At a time when we are preoccupied with the message of giving of gifts and family gatherings, help us also to remember those who are in need.  Help us to see those who are without shelter, who are struggling to avoid eviction, or trying to find food for their next meal.  Help us to see the needs of those who are imprisoned, and their families and loved ones, that they all may be comforted by their returning faith in You.   Help us in our generosity to those in need, an important addition to the shopping list that we carry with us this season.

And so we return to You, remembering once again the old stories that we have heard before.  Stories that give us comfort, stories of angels bringing the news of Divine Love, hints of messengers with promises of miracles yet to come, assurances of messianic hope that You provide.  With these promises we can see the hope that lies ahead of us in our lives.

For we ask all this in the Name of Your Son, who You sent to be with us. Amen.



Lectionary Year A: Advent 2: Prayer based on Mt. 3: 1-12

Prayer based on Lectionary for 9-22-19: Luke 16:1-13